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News and Updates

Office of Special Education Office Hours ​

Office hours provide a time and space for families to connect with the Director of Special Education about questions or concerns pertaining to their student or the Special Education process.  Available times are every Thursday, alternating morning and afternoon times, Sign up HERE.

SEPAC Newsletters 

Find out more about special education updates and upcoming SEPAC events within our community and surrounding areas.  Sign Up Here to receive the SEPAC Newsletters by email. 

SEPAC Annual Survey

The SEPAC, in collaboration with the Office of Pupil Services, conducts an annual parent and caregiver of student with special needs survey.  This survey allows both the SEPAC and the district to reflect on current practices, make improvements, and plan for meaningful SEPAC activities.


SEPAC Survey 2020-2021

SEPAC Survey 2021-2022

SEPAC Survey 2022-2023

SEPAC SURVEY 2023-2024

Navigating the College Search for Those Who Learn Differently- Virtual Presentation

Ferne Bork, Admission Director for Landmark College presented at our SEPAC meeting on Feb 15th.  She shared with us her slides and a variety of resources for families. 


Slide Presentation​

Additional Resources

SEPAC Basic Rights Workshop - Understanding the IEP

The SEPAC hosted our annual Basic Rights Workshop on Jan 18, 2024.  Elaine Rabbitt from the FCSN, presented on "Understanding the IEP".  This highly informative workshop gives parents a better understanding of the components of the IEP and the special education process.  See the link below to find the slides for the presentation. 


Basic Rights Workshop - Understanding the IEP slides



Annual SEPAC Update to the School Committee

The SEPAC was invited by the School Committee to give our annual update in November.  We discussed SEPAC goals, initiatives and recommendations.​


To see the presentation, please follow the YouTube link below, starting at minute 10:19.


SEPAC Annual Presentation to School Committee



News from the DESE

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has updated its Individualized Education Program (IEP) for the first time in over 20 years! 

The forms have changed significantly.  If you would like to see what the new forms look like, you can visit DESE’s site HERE.

All school districts are required by law to implement the new IEP by September of 2024.



Executive Function Virtual Workshop

Expert in executive function, Kristen Jacobsen, M.S., CCP/SLP presented a highly informative and practical strategies seminar.  Attendees gained an understanding of what the executive function skills and how they can impact a student’s academic and personal performance.


Slides for 10/17/23 Presentation 

Dropbox- EF Resources from Kristen Jacobsen



New ELA curriculum and Science of Reading Presentation

The SEPAC hosted a virtual meeting in May on the topic of the "Science of Reading" and new ELA curriculum pilots for K-5.

Guest Speakers; 

Carolyn McHuge, K-2 Humanities Coordinator

Erin Hogan, 3-5 Humanities Coordinator
Magaly Rodriguez Ronan, Director of Equity, Curriculum and Instruction


5/24/23- Presentation

Turning Three Essentials- FCSN Presentation

The Westfor SEPAC in collaboration with the Federation for Children with Special Needs hosted a free virtual workshop on "Turning Three Essentials".  This workshop covered topics relating to the procedures for transitioning a child from Early Intervention (EI) to special education. 


5/9/23 -Slide Presentation

Building Connections

On Tuesday, April 4th, Abbot Elementary School Psychologist, Julia Mozeika and Adjustment Counselors, Leila Wendler and Lisa Newton hosted an evening for parents and caregivers to help build connections and share resources available in our town to support the mental health needs of our community.  To see slides from this event please click HERE.

Volunteers Needed

We invite you to join a community of parents working together towards the understanding of, respect for and support of all children with special needs in the community.  To see a list of volunteer opportunities please click HERE.

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